Mastering Strategies for Small Business Success


Wednesday, December 6th


What We'll Cover:

In this highly interactive and informative workshop, you'll gain valuable insights into effective pricing strategies tailored specifically for small businesses.

Pricing is a crucial element that can significantly impact your business's success, and our expert facilitator will guide you through the essential techniques and best practices to maximize your profits while delighting your customers.


Understanding the psychology of pricing and consumer behavior


Implementing dynamic pricing models that adapt to market changes & Leveraging pricing as a strategic tool for growth and market penetration


Setting competitive yet profitable prices for your products or services


Avoiding common pricing pitfalls that hinder small business success

Why You Should Attend:

Pricing can make or break a business, especially for small ventures.

Our workshop is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed pricing decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain a competitive edge for your small business.

This Workshop is Ideal for:

  • Small business owners and entrepreneurs

  • Startups and emerging business leaders

  • Sales and Marketing Professionals

  • Creatives

  • Anyone interested in mastering pricing strategies for business success


It Happens Live and Online

The Workshop happens live and online. We keep the workshop student numbers to a maximum of 25 participants, so you get personal attention and can get answers from Berthine to your most pressing questions in real time.


The workshop is interactive - which is fancy- speak for you are going to do actual work during the workshop.

You will have practical steps to follow

After the workshop, Berthine will give you practical advice on how to go out into the real world and price your product or service so client want to buy from you. You will know what the next steps are and how to go about implementing them.


What you get

We want you to walk away from the Pricing Like A Pro Workshop with a clear understanding of how to price your product or service for your business. Having the right pricing strategy in place, will help you
sign up clients and scale up responsibly.

Here's everything that is included:

  • A seat for the live workshop

  • Q&A session with Berthine Crèvecoeur West

  • Bonus #1: Pricing Strategy Template

  • Bonus #2: Recorded Workshop in case you missed it!


Berthine Crèvecoeur West


  • CEO and Head of Business Development & Operations at Westbridge Solutions

  • Data-Driven Management Consultant helping businesses 10x their revenues

  • SWOT Analysis & Pricing Strategy Expert

  • Global Keynote Speaker

  • Best-Selling Author


What is the "PRICING LIKE A PRO" workshop about?

This workshop is designed to provide small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals with in-depth insights and strategies for effective pricing. You'll learn how to set competitive yet profitable prices, understand consumer behavior, and utilize pricing as a growth tool.

When and where will the workshop take place?

The workshop will be held on December 6th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time (ET). It will be conducted online, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your home or office.

How long will the workshop last?

The workshop is scheduled to run for approximately 90 minutes, including interactive sessions, presentations, and Q&A segments.

Who should attend this workshop?

This workshop is tailored for small business owners, startups, emerging business leaders, sales and marketing professionals, and anyone interested in mastering pricing strategies to enhance their business success.

What will I learn from this workshop?

You will learn:

-The psychology behind pricing and consumer behavior.

-Techniques for setting competitive and profitable prices.

-How to implement dynamic pricing models.

-Strategies for leveraging pricing as a growth tool.

-Common pricing pitfalls to avoid.

Is there a fee to attend and how do I register for the workshop?

Yes, the workshop is priced at $27 per participant. To register, simply click on the "SAVE MY SEAT" button in this site. You'll be directed to a registration form to secure your spot.

Will the workshop be recorded?

Yes, a recording of the workshop will be available to registered participants for a limited time after the event. This allows you to revisit the content or catch up if you missed any part of the live session.

How can I contact the workshop organizers if I have more questions?

Feel free to reach out to for any further inquiries or assistance.

Don't miss this Premium Workshop!

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